Base of Thumb Arthritis
Hand & Wrist Diseases & Conditions
As individuals age, many experience arthritis in their hands and wrists. Arthritis at the base of the thumb (within the first CMC joint) is very common, and this can cause intense pain and impede everyday activities and abilities. Base of thumb suspensionplasty can be performed to restore thumb function.

Causes of Arthritis at the Base of the Thumb
Arthritis at the base of the thumb is common due to the first CMC joint's highly flexible nature. This property means that this joint is used frequently in everyday activities and, as a result, becomes worn and damaged from overuse. Although pain is often only experienced later in life, the joint generally starts to become damaged in an individual's 30s and 40s.
What is base of thumb suspensionplasty?
Base of thumb suspensionplasty is a surgical procedure performed to restore thumb function impaired by osteoarthritis.
In this surgery, Dr Oscar Brumby-Rendell will make an incision at the thumb's base. Then, he will remove the arthritic trapezium bone - or a fragment of it - at the base of the joint. A tendon graft from the wrist is used to restabilise the joint, and the thumb is cushioned and suspended where the trapezium bone was removed with the remaining tendon.  Â
What can base of thumb suspensionplasty achieve?
- Reduced pain in thumb joint
- Restored thumb function
- Increased stability of the thumb
When should I consider base of thumb suspensionplasty?
Not everyone affected by osteoarthritis in the thumb requires suspensionplasty. Before considering this surgical intervention for thumb pain, it is recommended that you first meet with a hand therapist. Many cases of thumb arthritis can be improved via various hand exercises and strategies or through a splint. If you have tried these non-surgical treatment methods and are still in severe pain, you may benefit from base of thumb suspensionplasty. Meet with your general practitioner to discuss your symptoms and request a referral to Dr Oscar Brumby-Rendell.
What can we expect from base of thumb suspensionplasty?
Base of thumb suspensionplasty usually takes around 60 minutes. This surgery comes with risks and a rehabilitation process.
Before your surgery, Dr Oscar Brumby-Rendell will discuss risk considerations with you. Generally, this surgery achieves strongly positive results, increasing a patient's quality of life by decreasing pain and restoring thumb function.
Recovery from this surgery takes between 3 and 6 months and includes cast and/or split wearing, hand exercises and monitoring.
Once you have a referral…
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