Hand Trauma
Repairing Crushed or Severed Fingers / Thumb
In Australia, the most common work injuries are hand-related, with approximately 8,400 Australians coming to hospital due to hand injuries. The most severe work-related hand injury is the severing or crushing of the thumb or fingers (digits).
Dr Brumby-Rendell works to provide beneficial treatment that reduces pain and increases function and mobility. Minimally invasive techniques are utilised where possible to attain optimal results.

Repairing crushed fingers or thumbs
Hand and wrist conditions are treated by Oscar Brumby-Rendell through various surgeries.
The damage's severity and type dictate the surgery form required. Moderate or severe nerve, artery and tendon injures, as well as fractures, often require surgical intervention for proper healing.
When a serious injury occurs, surgery should ideally be conducted within 24 hours for optimal results.
Reattaching severed fingers or thumbs
Function restoration and the reattachment of the injured parts are the primary aims of replantation surgery.
Replantation is a surgical procedure where a body part (i.e., a thumb or finger) is reattached after severing from its correct anatomical position.
Replantation may not be possible if the digit(s) has been crushed, and the body part may be shortened.
What happens during a hand repair procedure?
Damaged tissue is often removed and impacted tendons or nerves repaired in surgeries fixing severed digits or crushed hands.
The ends of the bones are shortened before they are reattached, and arteries, tendons and muscles are stitched. Tissue may also be removed from other body parts to cover any nerves, joints or tendons uncovered due to the injury.
Recovery after hand surgery
Injury severity, surgery type and motor and sensory nerve regrowth rate dictate the recovery length and requirements.
Messages to signal pressure, temperature and pain are sent to the brain via sensory nerves, and motor nerves send messages that stimulate movement. Nerves grow approximately 2cm per month, and the injury length, therefore, indicates approximate recovery time.
Rehabilitation after hand or finger surgery
Rehabilitation is not complete when the surgical wound appears healed.
Damaged tendons are strengthened and protected via bracing and physical therapy, which also prevents the build-up of scar tissue.
Dr Brumby-Rendell gives each patient an exercise plan to inform the recovery process.

Creating a suitable duties plan
If returning to your usual role is not possible after surgery, Return-To-Work will assist you in recommencing work when reasonably possible.
This may involve varying your duties or the business area in which you work. As you progressively regain strength, you may also work different days or hours to support your recovery.
Dr Brumby's medical recommendations, your work abilities and your unique circumstance will be considered during the construction of your duties plan.
Returning to work after a hand or finger repair
Returning to work often promotes a faster recovery period and can be more healing than spending your rehabilitation at home.
A beneficial, timely return-to-work experience should be organised by yourself, your employer, Dr Brumby-Rendell, and any other individuals active in your rehabilitation journey.
Before recommencing your previous role, you may have to complete lighter activities as you recover from your surgery (depending on your injury's severity).
It is recommended that you begin planning your return to work to ensure a beneficial experience. For a quick and positive return, it is important that you regularly communicate with WorkCover, your employer and Dr Brumby-Rendell.
How Dr Oscar Brumby-Rendell can help
Dr Oscar Brumby-Rendell provides consultation and treatment in Adelaide for various hand and wrist conditions.
Dr Oscar Brumby-Rendell has extensive upper limb experience in areas of diagnosis, treatment and surgery. In your consultation, Dr Oscar Brumby-Rendell will develop a treatment plan with you to ensure the best possible results for your hand or wrist condition.
Click for more information regarding shoulder, hand, wrist, and elbow conditions which Dr Oscar Brumby-Rendell has experience in treating.
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